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Saturday, March 13, 2010  

Staying Busy

So, I'm a slacker at updating my blog. Which is bad, especially when I'm considering creating a new blog, and more work for myself. Why? Because I want to be able to share my hippy-ness in a dedicated venue--my Facebook page is littered with ranting posts against Montsanto and updates for Farmville. So, anyway, the hippy-ness, it is getting worse (or I'm being a better hippy?). I've always been a foodie and loved to cook, and a few years back I took an interest in genetically modified foods and organics, but never did much except read about it and move on. But lately, I've been reading more and more about our food supply and industrialized agriculture and monocrops and genetically modified seeds and....yeah, I need a dedicated place to share this knowledge and my actions. I've also expanded my readings to include plastics, trash, composting and recycling. I'm learning a lot and need a place to expand upon that. And I've realized that all of this reading has actually translated into real world action, like being meticulous about bringing canvas bags to the grocery store and bringing a tupperware (okay, so I'm not totally plastic-free, but I don't trust Ben, the roommate, to bring back containers that he takes to work and thus haven't sprung for a stainless steel storage set) to restaurants and buying a share in a local and organic CSA. And it goes on. So I need a dedicated place to share that stuff.

In other news, I've been crazy busy with grant writing. My boss, in his douchebaggedness, has decided that I can answer phones and be a secretary and write grants, and that's meant that I've been writing a lot lately. A $1 million grant for an incubator was turned in March 1, an $800,000 data center grant will ship tomorrow, and I've got an EPA grant to write (due April 9th) and an EDA grant to write (due April 20th). Oh, and I'm attending Wyoming's Sustainability Summit April 12th and 13th, and I fly back east for grad school on April 20th. Yeah. Not liking the job so much. In funny news, I did piss off my boss by refusing to buy plastic cups for a meeting--we have perfectly good ceramic mugs in our office, and I brought in more from home to use for that meeting. There is no reason to buy throw-away (because we cannot recycle them locally) cups, to use all of the petroleum and energy and man-hours for something that will be used once and tossed in a landfill. He was not happy with my answer to the question of why I didn't buy cups. Mehe. Damn Republican got thwarted by a dirty hippy. :) And my answer made fiscal sense--we're on a tight budget, and our largest investor, the City, is looking to cut $1.3 million from their budget, which would severely impact us, so those cups, although cheap, are an unnecessary frivolity.

And, let's see, what else. I went snowmobiling for the first time ever, a 50 mile trek up the Bighorn Mountains to Bear Lodge Resort at the top of the mountain. It was fun, but I learned that trying to go off-trail to pee means that I sink ass-deep in snow. And that got my socks wet and made me cold and miserable. And snowmobiles don't grip, they slide around a lot. But they are quite fun. I also am going to Deadwood next weekend, so let's hope that I return with minimal hangover and independently wealthy. :)

posted by jaime | 6:14 PM
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